Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jacket Blurb and Synopsis

Thinking ahead about submiting, I looked at the requirements for submitting to Chronicle books, publisher of Ivy & Bean.  They request the usual query letter, synopsis and first three chapters.  I've never written a synopsis before, but I took a stab at it.  One paragraph for each of the nine chapters.  I will take the synopsis to the critique group next Saturday and see if it's 'right'.  Also wrote the 'elevator pitch', a very short summary that can be pitched in a few seconds if I find myself in the presence of anyone who cares... People says it's hard to do and it is.  I spent a couple of hours writing 93 words, and I think it's twice as long as it's supposed to be.  My book only has 7,000 words.  How do people do it when their book is 100,000 words?

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