Monday I went to the workshop on 'voice', skill number two. Two people and I 'read'. I read chapter 2 of Lucky Tuesday after a 'literary' voice read from her short story, and a commercial voice read from his adult crime novel. It was kind of embarassing, because the chapter book genre requires shorter sentences. It sounds juvenile (which it is) compared to the other readers. I sort of wanted to yell 'these aren't the best sentences I can write', it's the genre. But it went over well anyway, so it wasn't too bad.
I got my critique back on The Ghost of Old Man Watson - it has a plot problem that is not really defined, and some stilted dialogue at the beginning. I'm not sure, I know Joyce hated th title, and may have been put off by that at the beginning, her comments were much more positive at the end... I rewrote for the small stuff, but haven't done a major rewrite - need more time and distance.
My in person critique group is finally meeting again tomorrow. I won't see them again for months and months since I'm going to ID, which is okay. I don't think they are regular enough to do me any good. The good news is we finally have an online critique group coming together and hopefully that will be more often and regular.
I'm thinking that while I'm in ID, I may take the Anastasia Suen class on non-fiction. It would be a good way to pass the time...